How it all began

Boy meets girl across the hall in Austin, Texas in 2013.

She knew she was in for an adventure when he took her on their first date in a 1989 VW Vanagon.

He tells her he will show her the world.

And that he did…

From cruising through the San Juan Islands,

to hitting the best powder in Niseko, Japan,

to ringing in a new year in Hong Kong,

to backpacking across Glacier National Park,

to horseback riding through tobacco farms in Cuba,

to overlanding through the Garden of the Gods,

to eating 1567 day mole in Mexico City,

to RV'ing across North America,

and more…

we've been so lucky to share these incredible adventures together.

In 2018, we started annual trips to Crested Butte and knew we eventually wanted to call it home.

Those that know us best, know we also have an active and spunky 11-year old dog, Rigsby, who has been along for the ride since day 1. He is more than excited to be one of your hiking guides over the weekend.

That being said - we’re so excited for our biggest adventure yet!
We can’t wait to celebrate with you on August 25, 2024.

Meet us in the mountains!